I am a writer based in Central Texas. Currently, I am a 2024 Writers’ League of Texas fellow.

My stories, essays, and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Brazenhead Review, Capulet Magazine, Carve Magazine, Christianity TodayCordella MagazineMagazine, The Dallas Morning NewsFathom Mag, The Hudson Review, .Mic, The National Catholic Reporter, s/word, Santa Barbara News-Press, Southern Humanities Review, The Summerset Review, Texas Monthly, and The Woven Tale Press.

My short fiction was featured at the Dallas Museum of Art as part of Texas Bound, a literary showcase featuring Texas-connected actors reading fiction by Texas-connected authors. My short story “The Only Real Thing” received honorable mention in The Hudson Review’s 2023 short story contest. And, I was a finalist for the Christine Eldin Memorial Fellowship for emerging middle grade writers hosted by The Lascaux Review.

I have a B.A. in philosophy from Hillsdale College and an M.F.A. in creative writing from Seattle Pacific University.

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