I am a writer based in Texas and Colorado. Much of my work centers around books, illness, and the contemplative life. You can keep up with my writing by subscribing to my substack.
My stories, essays, and reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in Brazenhead Review, Capulet Magazine, Carve Magazine, Christianity Today, Cordella Magazine, D Magazine, The Dallas Morning News, Fathom Mag, The Hudson Review, .Mic,The National Catholic Reporter, s/word, Santa Barbara News-Press, Southern Humanities Review, The Summerset Review, Texas Monthly, Vita Poetica, and The Woven Tale Press.
I’ve received awards and honors from the Dallas Museum of Art, The Hudson Review, The Lascaux Review, and Vita Poetica. In 2024, I was a Writers’ League of Texas fellow.
I have a B.A. in philosophy from Hillsdale College and an M.F.A. in creative writing from Seattle Pacific University.